We help you discover innovative and cool outdoor gear startups. We feature their products and stories in our online store and magazine

The brands we work with got their start after someone thought, โ€œwouldnโ€™t it be cool if โ€ฆโ€ and started tinkering with the idea (often in a garage). We get to know these people and test their gear โ€“ and then share our top shelf finds with you. 

Weโ€™re passionate about helping you to get outside. We believe trusting and loving your gear makes all the difference. That's why we vet each product we sell. 

We're real people who care a whole heck of a lot about you, our customers. If you're unhappy, we're unhappy. If you have any questions or concerns (or just want to give us a high five), we'd love to hear from you. We can be reached at help@garagegrowngear.com or through Live Chat on our website.